Are you keen to measure your supply chain performance and do you want to define the right KPIs for each chain? BLMC has all the relevant knowledge and tools at its disposal to define KPIs and measure the performance of your supply chain. We can analyse supply chain data and advise you on how to set supply chain-related KPIs.

Supply chain data analytics

Everyone in the chain stands to benefit from working together, especially in the case of different departments within the same organization. Irrespective of whether they work in the production department, logistics department or commercial departments, all colleagues should ultimately be prepared to collaborate in order to serve the end customer better. After all, customers are the ones who pay the wages of each and every employee within the organization. But to be successful, that collaboration will have to be based on data analytics and KPIs, because employees require guidelines to assist them in their decisions related to purchasing, transport, manufacturing, and so on. Those guidelines are drawn up based on the defined supply chain strategy and based on supply chain data analysis which is then translated into supply chain KPIs. Supply chain management is virtually impossible without data analytics – and so too is measuring and correcting supply chain performance based on KPIs.

How should you go about analysing the supply chain and defining KPIs?

Before you can analyse supply chain data you must first know which data you require for meaningful analysis. You should also bear in mind that different supply chains need different data – e.g. organizations that make to stock (MTS) have different data requirements than organizations that make to order (MTO). Data analytics must therefore be linked to the defined supply chain strategy in order to create a framework within which to evaluate the results of the analysis.

In the case of most of BLMC’s clients, much of the necessary data can be extracted from their own IT systems. Whether the data analysis is done using BLMC’s tools or not depends on which systems the client works with, so the specific situation and optimal approach is discussed with the client beforehand.

Following on from the data analytics, the right KPIs are defined for each supply chain, discussed with the customer, then implemented and subsequently evaluated.